
Wounded Heroes of America is committed to providing resources to aid veterans in need. We have launched this page to provide information on organizations and companies who are doing a great job offering impactful services to the veteran community.

Check back to find out more about some of the great work our community partners are doing.

  • “I am from the Navajo Reservation in Arizona and Los Angeles is nothing like home but I felt welcomed by Mr. Talleda and many other veterans and friends that are a part of the Wounded Heroes Organization.”


  • “I’m so thankful that I have met the founder, Mike Talleda, and the soldiers. They are the biggest support team that Mike has. Mike has been a big impact in every soldier and to their families’ life.”

    Gil Rojas

  • “Thanks to the great info network that we share with each other, I now am receiving all my benefits and have bought my first place, a little condo in Ontario.”


Resources For Our Wounded Veterans