Independence Day 2015

Mike Talleda Gallery, Past Events

A question often asked why fireworks – Aren’t fireworks dangerous , bad for Vets suffering from PTSD , doesn’t that remind them of the trauma of combat, wouldn’t it be better if we didn’t have fireworks at all? – think of all the fires, the vets, the resources that are allocated to the 4th of July that could be utilized in other areas. Why then do we love fireworks so much? Could it have something to do with The Rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, the banner still waving , the Land of the Free and the home of the Brave? Maybe…Perhaps it’s the celebration of the lives given by all those brave men and women who gave their last measure of devotion to create this Great Country we live in. Maybe it’s got something to do with we just love the celebration of Freedom. Maybe once a year we just want to light up the sky and say Happy Birthday America!!! You have giving us everything…. The land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. Yeah… maybe that’s it, maybe that why we love fireworks so much.


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