veteran at bat at the annual summer softball event

Summer Softball

Omari Valentine News

Sun is setting on Summer 2023

We had a great time Saturday, Sept 16th hanging out and playing around – I’ll let the photos tell the story.

This was our 5th Softball- BBQ summer event – (Wounded Heroes of America) – WHOA vs. SGV Marines (San Gabriel Valley). The first few years the Marines beat us like a drum. Things are turning around last two years WHOA gave the Marines a whooping but it’s all in fun fellowship and camaraderie.

To many, this seems like just another softball game but you put Marines and Soldiers together, give them a ball, and it turns into war but a friendly war. Over time we have come to realize just how important it is to have a social environment where we bring vets and families and community together -It’s good medicine. Everyone knows it, the VA knows it, and the mental health professionals know it and we’re trying to do our part. We have always known this.

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