First, the guys were coming home and no one knew what to do. No one knew anything about benefits, or knew of anyone that knew anything about benefits or filing claims, challenging the rejections, or what’s available and how to get it. It was medication and more medication and hurry up and wait. Many of the vets that came to us came through AW2 wounded warrior program and/ or case workers at the local VA. We would send a few dollars home every month, bring the families together, call friends who had some knowledge of benefits or some connection within the system and that was the way we solved problems, and in spite of winging it we did quite well. There is a lot of truth in old saying “it’s not what you know but who you know”. We walked people through Social Security, through HUD Vash, when the caregiver compensation appeared many of our spouses applied and got additional income into the home. This was a huge benefit because many of the spouses had to quit their jobs to take care of their returning vets. Over time, and little by little, things started to get better and so did we.
Now, we can’t solve all the problems, or be all things to all people, but what we would like to do is to stay in step with their recovery. Over the last year we have begun finance workshops to pass on knowledge about investing, and the different vehicles used as well as general information related to money. The class is taught by Harvey Jacobson President and founder of California Financial Partners a financial advisor to some very wealthy clients. We’ve opened up a small account and have started learning how to buy and sell. Discuss the DOW, the S & P, stock, mutual funds, common versus preferred stock and many other factors about the handling of money. Excellent two hours once a month and best of all the workshops are held in at the local VET Center open to any vet.
It’s fun and entertaining at the same time – a person would have to pay big dollars to get the information freely given at these workshops. We at WHOA want to continue to be relevant and keep pace with the recovery of our wounded vets. Oh!!! And by the way… we own Apple and it’s doing very well.