Wendy’s Recognition Award

Mike Talleda Announcements, Gallery

At our March Dinner, the foundation honored and recognized our executive secretary Wendy Menjivar for her dedication to the foundation and the vets we serve.

Wendy is a well loved and respected member of this foundation. She keeps everything flying straight around here- from organizing events to administration, from baby showers, to Christmas, to selling fireworks; she’s in the middle of it all. Wounded Heroes of America would be a different place and have a different face if not for Wendy. The affection for this young lady reaches far and wide among our community.  The beautiful plaque was made by one of our vets Gilbert Rojas who operated Vets Addressing America, a venture that Gil and Marbella Rojas operated, and which among helping our vets, make these beautiful plaques.
Wendy we truly appreciate you, you make our lives more cheerful and this foundation better- Thank you from all of us at WHOA.


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