First Meeting of 2017

Mike Talleda Events, Past Events

Our first get-together of 2017 brought a lot of our vets and friends out- also a little something included especially for the kids…
As many of you may know that WHOA takes part every year in the Combine Federal Campaign (CFC 99918) – Participation in CFC gives us a great opportunity to come in contact with many federal agencies. One of our best friends is Greg Bartman an entomologist with the US department of Agriculture USDA in El Segundo CA.
Greg brought a collection of insect that he has collected over the years. Many of these insects are not native to the US but often travel with imports from other Countries. Some of these insect are amazing to say the least, everybody enjoyed the collection – Who says bugs in a restaurant don’t mix—
Thanks Greg they were a big hit with the kids AND the adults-
Another highlight of the evening was Nora Walsh representing Crane Fund for Widows and Children a great friend of Wounded Heroes of America throughout the years. She joined us and presented WHOA a check for 3000.00 The Crane fund for Widows and Children have consistently support Wounded Heroes of America.
From our very beginning we assisted the surviving spouses and children of our Fallen and over the years our focus has been to include the entire family in all we do. Whether it’s flower on Mother’s Day, Day at the Ranch, or Day the Fair, Operation Santa, all our programs have children in mind. Creating an extended family of vets that helps each other is a principle we work hard to achieve.
Organizations like the Crane Fund for Widows and Children is proof of what we strongly believe here at WHOA- That Americans love their veterans and that the resources we need to assist our Combat Wounded are in the community and partnering with them is paramount to our ability to continue our assistance to our veterans and their families.
And last but certainly not least—It would be remiss of me if I didn’t mention probably our biggest benefactor and partner in building the extended family of vets we talk so much about- El Cholo restaurants and the owner Ron Salisbury and Staff. Without Ron’s support over the years WHOA would have a different look- and that’s a simple truth

So we start the year optimistic, we count our blessing and go forward

– Mike Talleda

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