
Mike Talleda Testimonials


I hope this finds you well and healthy –It’s been hectic these last few weeks. Lately we’ve been running out of time and have not been able to get a vet to come and write you guys a letter and checks so you’re hearing from me again.

It’s been a busy May and now June is going to get even busier with our firework stand.  For those that have not taken part in the firework stand- it’s a 24/7 operation.  It starts on 6/27 and goes on until late on the 4th of July.   It’s a lot of fun; many of our vets come and help out, or just come and hang out.

I hope some of you guys can come and help.   If you want to see more about previous years at the firework stand go on our webpage www.woundedheroesofamerica.org  look under events and/or videos and you can see what’s happened in the past.

The future is challenging, but the work continues nevertheless.  We have plans for other events before the end of the year, we’ll be having a Casino night, we’re starting to work on our next golf tournament;   it will be either late September or Middle of October.  We’re taking part in the RAT Beach Bike Tour on Oct 7th again.  This is a Rotary event similar to the Beer & Wine but  a bike ride.  We usually get over 500 riders – so it’s a big biking event.

Finance class every month, El Cholo every 2 months, and all sorts of commitments in between.   So the future is busy and we can use all the help we can get.