Valentine’s Day at the Ranch

Mike TalledaGallery, Past Events, Sponsors

We’ll always remember Valentine’s Day 2015.

We love things that work and learning how and why they work…We have come to the conclusion that our kids are probably the most important members of our recovery, re-integration to civilian world, social interaction etc, etc TEAM. Wherever the kids go the parents follow, if the parents follow, as they usually do, they have to play, or at the very least play nice with other parents. Now, kids know that the parents are happiest when they are around other parents, especially when the other parents are military parents. Kids don’t always understand what OIF or OEF means; they just know their parents are the happiest when they are together with other buddies that served in Iraq or Afghanistan just like their Moms and Dads.

The other component of this equation is partners within our community. We at WHOA, along with our partners, understand the therapeutic value of a social environment that includes the entire family. However, we don’t always have the financial resources to simply write a check and bring large groups of vets and families together, but we do have friends, friends like Jerry Hall , owner of Horse of the Sun Ranch and his wonderful team of volunteers. Because of Jerry, we had over 80 people, lots of kids and a fun-filled day with all sorts of activities- horses, hiking, archery and much more. Nice day away from the city- kids loved it and so did mom and dad. A Valentine Day for the entire family- How cool is that?


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