Memorial Day 2017

Mike TalledaEvents, Past Events, Uncategorized

Every Memorial Day people are celebrating an extra day off from work. More time for BBQs, a little more time to see friends or spend with the kids. Maybe hit the road and go little farther and stay a little longer. Memorial Day is what many Americans live for, the first real 3 day weekend kicking –off summer. Unfortunately many Americans don’t really know why we celebrate it. Memorial Day is the day we recognizes those that gave us the gift of freedom; a gift paid for by blood of patriots that often times is taken for granted. We just assume that freedom of press, freedom to worship as we please, freedom to change leaders every few year have always been there. Those right and many others have come at a very high price in lives and treasure The origin and the history behind Memorial Day should be a question on every test we as American have to take. It should be on every entrance exam , SAT, DMV, state and local licenses application , every governmental form, test or questionnaire should start or finishes with Why do we celebrate Memorial Day. Even if it’s a multiple choice question -one choice should be- “To honor those that gave their lives in service to our Country so we could live free” On Monday May 29th a few of us from WHOA spent the afternoon honoring our Fallen Heroes at the Redondo Beach Veterans Memorial Park. It was a beautiful day and ceremony – later we had our BBQ, broke bread with neighbors and friends and had a wonderful time.

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